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Exposing lies and falsehoods in Zionist academia

Het zionistische propagandahandboek kent vele lemma's, die jaar na jaar worden hergebruikt. Een van de meest kwaadaardige is de vergelijking van Palestijnen met Nazi-Duitsland. Zelfs joodse academici bezondigen zich er schaamteloos aan. Onderstaand stuk van mij is acht jaar oud, maar op dit moment weer volkomen actueel, en de professor die ik erin aanklaag is beslist geen unicum.  

Carl Stellweg

Of course there is Palestinian incitement and hate speech, mostly by Hamas and Islamic Jihad, just as there is incitement and hate speech by jewish settlers, settler organisations and Israeli politicians like the current justice minister Ayelet Shaked and ex-foreign affairs minister Avigdor Lieberman.

But then there's also the far more sophisticated incitement of zionist scholarship, hidden in articles that carry a semblance of clarity and objectivity, but actually distort the truth and are driven by a narrow and supremacist ideology that dares not speak its name. Cleverly written articles by academics who are respected in the Western world and sometimes have access to handsome sums of money, thanks to benefactors who subsidize their devious think tanks, like the Jewish-American tycoon Sheldon Adelson, who is, according to Forbes, the seventh richest man in the US [inmiddels overleden, CS].
When you read these essays carefully and have some knowledge of the subject matter yourself, you will eventually cut through the deft rethoric and find that these authors are pseudo-academics. That they are dishonest. That they stink. The question is: how come? Is it incompetence? Prejudice? Ill-will?

I think it's mainly cowardice. Cowardice and greed. And if that's too harsh, I'd at least call it political activism under the guise of scholarship.

Anyway, let's take a look at Joseph Spoerl, a professor of philosophy at St. Anselm’s College in New Hampshire, who wrote more or less the same thing about the mufti Al-Husseini as Netanyahu said recently - that the mufi was the true instigator of the Holocaust - without producing a shard of evidence for this claim.

Here's another piece of sound academic judgment by professor Spoerl, regarding Israels murderous campaign against the people of Gaza in 2014:

"Imagine that [during World War II American and British reporters had sent back a steady stream of news stories and photos highlighting the plight of German civilians: photos of ruined homes and apartment blocks, wailing women and children, overwhelmed hospitals and so forth. Suppose, further, that these reporters never mentioned anything about the ugly ideology of Hitler and the Nazis, their genocidal hatred for Jews, their plans for world conquest, their persecution of political opponents, etc. We would all agree that reporters acting in this way would be guilty of a serious breach of journalistic ethics. They would be actively misleading their audience by telling only a small portion of the truth. As absurd as it sounds, the imaginary scenario sketched out here has been unfolding before our very eyes in the Gaza strip over the past month."

Now I'd love to leave it all up to the reader to decide if this is a fair analogy. But I simply cannot resist raising a few questions: how many Israeli civilians did the Qassam rockets of Hamas kill in the last ten years? I've got the answer for professor Spoerl: around 40. That's 4 per year on average. How many non-combattants did Israel kill in Gaza during the same period? Thousands of them, many of them children. What was the material damage Hamas could inflict on Israel in said period? Practically none. How much material damage did Israel inflict on Gaza, expressed in dollars? Billions. Did Hamas, like Nazi Germany, attack and occupy vast strechtes of Israeli land, before Israel responded? Dit Hitler Germany, when it launched its attacks on Europe, suffer from starvation and an almost total blockade of human and commercial traffic? Was Hamas, when the so-called peace process started, as popular with the Palestinian populace as it is now?

There are a lot of extremist groups in the world, professor Spoerl, groups with nasty ideologies who thrive on the gross injustices inflicted upon the people they claim to represent. Comparing them in such a crude way to Nazi Germany is not science, it's ignorance. Or propaganda. I suspect the latter.

I have no problem with calling Hamas islamofascists. That's what they are. But the true tragedy is that Israel has completely overshadowed the evil of Hamas with its own, far more powerful evil. That the evil of Hamas is simply multiplied by a factor of a few hundred with the evil the Israeli military feels entitled to indulge in vis-a-vis the Palestinians.

I think we can agree that professors who ignore these aspects, should not only not be taken seriously as professors, should not only be exposed as almost total frauds, but should explicitly and vehemently be condemned for actively misleading the public by telling only a small portion of the truth.

You've been covering up war crimes, professor Spoerl.


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